Childcare, Dogs and Cultivating Culture


“We solved a big problem that women have in the workplace—affordable, reliable child care—by bringing our kids to work with us.

We encouraged our employees to live the California casual lifestyle because that’s what our brand was about.”

It was a fun, crazy place. In the office, our favorite toy was the intercom system. We sang over the loudspeaker, we talked over the loudspeaker, we told jokes and did funny voices. Everyone felt the excitement of the brand momentum.

All the girls at the office started getting dogs. There was even a miniature horse named Bucky who belonged to one of our patternmakers. Nobody wanted to leave their pals at home, so they brought them to Juicy camp, and it made us all want to stay longer and be more productive.

Understanding what your culture is and celebrating it is a big part of a productive workplace. You want the people who work for you to love coming to work every day.

The Glitter Plan: How We Started Juicy Couture for $200 and Turned It into a Global Brand by Pamela Skaist-Levy, Gela Nash-Taylor, Booth Moore

From the first chapter:

We just wanted to create something people loved and a work environment that made us happy. That’s our version of the American Dream. That’s the glitter plan.

Following Your Gut


“I realized that I didn’t have to be good at everything; I just had to focus on what moved me.

The Glitter Plan: How We Started Juicy Couture for $200 and Turned It into a Global Brand by Pamela Skaist-Levy, Gela Nash-Taylor, Booth Moore

From the first chapter:

We just wanted to create something people loved and a work environment that made us happy. That’s our version of the American Dream. That’s the glitter plan.

Designing Solutions


“…The job of a designer is to solve problems. And that is a big lesson. Every day when you are running a business, there is a problem to solve.”

The Glitter Plan: How We Started Juicy Couture for $200 and Turned It into a Global Brand by Pamela Skaist-Levy, Gela Nash-Taylor, Booth Moore

From the first chapter:

We just wanted to create something people loved and a work environment that made us happy. That’s our version of the American Dream. That’s the glitter plan.