Good and Bad Out There

This quote is a good example of the creepy…not scary, but creepy…nature of this book. Some of these stories may stick with you in rather unsettling ways:

He had read books, newspapers, and magazines. He knew that if you ran away you sometimes met bad people who did bad things to you; but he had also read fairy tales, so he knew that there were kind people out there, side by side with the monsters.

M Is for Magic by Neil Gaiman

This collection of stories was inspired by children’s stories, fairy tales and the like. However, this is Neil Gaiman – the stories are excellent, but they are not for children.

Krampus, Winter Monsters and Angels


Throughout November and December, most Americans are making costumes that fall under a ‘warm and fuzzy’ category. While Thanksgiving has it’s darker racial aspects (something to be examined later) and Christmas performances have similar issues, the objective and intent of … Continue reading

The Monster Smiled

This book is written in English but contains Spanish words in a style similar to that used by the Dora The Explorer and Go, Diego Go! cartoons (and books). The words are the names of less commonly known animals and I found myself struggling to pronounce a few. So…fair warning…if you are relying on High School/College Spanish classes and are in the habit of showing off your pronunciation skills while reading to youngsters (uh….yeah….I do that) then you may want to practice these terms before preparing to read.


“Did I scare you?” Asked Spike.

“Scare me? No.” El Monstruo laughed. “It’s just that no one has ever smiled at me before.”

…”Wait, amigo, I need your help….Everyone runs away from me, so I have no one to ask for help.”

Spike the Mixed-Up Monster, written by Susan Hood and illustrated by Melissa Sweet

All about Axolotls (AKA: Spike the Monster):