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Why Study White

“Postmodern multiculturalism may have genuinely opened up a space for the voices of the other, challenging the authority of the white West (cf Owens 1983), but it may also simultaneously function as a side-show for white people who look on with delight at all the differences that surround them. We may be on our way to genuine hybridity, multiplicity without (white) hegemony, and it may be where we want to get to – but we aren’t there yet, and we won’t get there until we see whiteness, see it’s power, it’s particularity and limitedness, put in it’s place and end its rule. This is why studying whiteness matters.”

“White power nonetheless reproduces itself regardless of intention, power differences and goodwill, and overwhelmingly because it is not seen as whiteness, but as normal. White people need to learn to see themselves as white, to see their particularity.”

The Matter of Whiteness by Richard Dyer, published in White Privilege, 4th edition, edited by Paula S. Rothenberg

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