Perspective and Sadistic Action

…There is something about knowing that someone is taking pleasure in giving you incredible pain . . . with no remorse. It changes how you see yourself; it changes what you can believe of other people. It changes everything.

Blood of Dragons (Rain Wilds Chronicles Book 4) by Robin Hobb

January is national slavery and human trafficking prevention month.

2 thoughts on “Perspective and Sadistic Action

    • Wow, that’s a tough question! I’ll try to provide a brief(ish) answer. 🙂

      Personally, I believe slavery, human trafficking and other forms of abuse (ranging from domestic violence to institutionalize violence, such as police abuse or predatory forms of medical experimentation) are best prevented through community development and self-sufficient financial structures. In other words, when a large family, or small community of people are tightly bonded (in a good way) and own/managing small businesses that provide the resources (goods) and finances necessary to meet their basic needs, the possibility of a family member falling prey to slavery or trafficking is greatly reduced.

      It’s basic human nature, when physical needs are NOT met, the individual enters a state of desperation, which make them vulnerable to predators. Conversely, when people are in a state of reasonable comfort (physical needs are met) they are both protected from predators and significantly more capable of making good decisions.

      Another common trait among human beings is the power of the crowd. When an individual is part of tightly knit and self sufficient community, human traffickers are less likely to make an attempt because the individual will be missed by a large number of people with easily accessible resources. The community doesn’t have to be RICH, just connected and reasonably self-sufficient. This is also a powerful protection against institutionalized abuse (e.g.: police abuse, medical experimentation, etc.) for the exact same reasons.

      One last advantage (that I will point out here) is the power of the community to address the failings of the individual. If the community and it’s resources are structured right, then a parent who looses his or her way (e.g.: addiction) does not, necessarily, doom the children. The children (and other family members) can remain a party of the community, fully cared for and treated with respect, while the adult is appropriately dealt with.

      I throw out this last element for two reasons: 1) trafficking victims are sometimes sold out of their own homes, so addressing domestic violence is extremely important, and 2) when developing communities and strengthening both the connections between people and financial self-sufficiency, it is possible (necessary?) to take a look at the opportunities for positive change through planning. For example, if you were to gather together your friends and family, planning to create a small commune-style community, how would that collection of people answer this question: What happens to the children when the parent(s) are unable to properly care for the kids?

      While I said commune-style community, I am NOT suggesting that the whole world move onto old 70s style hippie communes. I’m just trying to describe a tightly knight and very physically close community of people (e.g.: neighbors).

      I hope that response makes sense. I can’t properly describe my FULL answer without either giving a lecture (in front of a classroom and everything) or writing a dissertation.

      Anyhow, those are my thoughts.

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