Bloodless Blush


“Have you ever seen a goth blush? It pretty much kills the whole bloodless/undead thing they’re going for, so I’m sure they hate it.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco

Honest Lies


“I don’t know.”
“But if you had to guess—?”
“What do you think?”
“I’m asking you.”
“Because you’re hoping I’ll say something different.”
“Yeah. Probably.”
“Then don’t tell me to be honest.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco

Romantic Stupidity


“Damn. Up till that moment, the romantic part of me still had been hoping I was wrong. Your romantic parts can be really dumb.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco

Life Is Knowing Yourself


“Every decision is yours to make. The trick is knowing who you are. Are you the kind of person who’d do this, the kind of person who’d do that, or the kind of person who’d do the thing the first two people would think was nuts?…Life can be a bitch, they say, but she’s beautiful, too. Love the beauty without limit, and the bitchy you might learn to love…even if you never understand it.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco

Getting To The Dawn


“A new day has dawned, and today the whole world looks different. Just take a peek out your window. You never noticed all those sunflowers in your yard, did you? And check it out: a naked kid on a horse! Wow! You sure didn’t see that when you peeped out through the blinds at midnight. In fact, you didn’t see anything at all but the blackness of your own despair. Well, it’s always darkest before the dawn, they say. And they’re right. The trick is surviving the night.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco

Appearance of Respectability


“He looked like every Kiwanis member you’ve ever met: a big, doughy pillar of the community. A lot of those pillars are rotten inside, though. Believe me. I’ve seen “respectable” people do things that would shock Genghis Khan.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco

Destiny of Names


“I got the feeling he’d looked and dressed like this since he was eight, mustache included. Maybe if his parents had called him Rocco he would’ve turned out differently. But they’d made him a Eugene, and that’s destiny.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco