She Didn’t Need to be Rescued


This quote really captures the main character and illustrates one of the primary reasons why I love this book:

She ought to be happy to see him and part of her was—she’d missed him every single day. But this felt less like he’d come to rescue her and more like he hadn’t trusted her to take care of herself. A fine line. She ought to be grateful, but she didn’t need to be rescued. He didn’t understand, and now somehow she had to tell him he couldn’t leave.

-Refuge of Dragons (Voices of Dragons #2) by Carrie Vaughn

The School of Tough Learning


The huge owl blinked in wonder at these young owls. They seemed to know nothing. And yet…He let the thought trail off. Certainly their survival skills must be pretty good if they got out of St. Aggie’s. Still, there was no education like the one he had received. The education of an orphan. The orphan school of tough learning. He had to learn it all himself. How to fly, where to hunt, what creatures to stalk and which to avoid at all costs. No, nothing could compare to figuring out on one’s own the hard rules and schemes of a forest world—a world with uncountable riches and endless perils. It took a tough owl to figure it all out. And that was exactly how Twilight thought of himself. Tough.

The Guardians of Ga’Hoole, Book One: The Capture, by Kathryn N Lasky

Internal Importance


Now, nothing should be able to harm a man except himself.  Nothing should be able to rob a man at all.  What a man really has, is what is in him.  What is outside of him should be a matter of no importance.

The Soul of Man Under Socialism by Oscar Wilde (Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wild)

Wild Boys, Witches and Roast Squirrel


Sarah visited the boys every day, and although at first she was worried about them being out on their own in the Forest, she was impressed by the network of igloos they built and noticed that some of the younger Wendron Witches had taken to dropping by with small offerings of food and drink. Soon it became rare for Sarah to find her boys without at least two or three young witches helping them cook a meal or just sitting around the campfire laughing and telling jokes. It surprised Sarah just how much fending for themselves had changed the boys—they all suddenly seemed so grown up, even the youngest, Jo-Jo, who was still only thirteen. After a while Sarah began to feel a bit of an interloper in their camp, but she persisted in visiting them every day, partly to keep an eye on them and partly because she had developed quite a taste for roast squirrel.

Septimus Heap, Book One: Magyk by Angie Sage

Life Is Knowing Yourself


“Every decision is yours to make. The trick is knowing who you are. Are you the kind of person who’d do this, the kind of person who’d do that, or the kind of person who’d do the thing the first two people would think was nuts?…Life can be a bitch, they say, but she’s beautiful, too. Love the beauty without limit, and the bitchy you might learn to love…even if you never understand it.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco

Her Own Rope


Eve’s Mouth

“Now we’ve got to Rapunzel, she’s chilling in the tower
Waiting for the handsome prince
She’s sapped of all her power
Finally, one day, the handsome prince in town
Called up to Rapunzel, “Yo girl, let it down!”
But our dear Rapunzel was nowhere to be seen,
Yes our dear Rapunzel had learned something keen
“All that time alone kinda taught me how to cope,
So I shaved my head and I made me a rope!””

Built Like That by Alix Olson

James Monroe and National Self-Sufficiency



Our manufacturers will likewise require the systematic and fostering care of the Government. Possessing as we do all the raw materials, the fruit of our own soil and industry, we ought not to depend in the degree we have done on supplies from other countries. While we are thus dependent the sudden event of war, unsought and unexpected, can not fail to plunge us into the most serious difficulties. It is important, too, that the capital which nourishes our manufacturers should be domestic, as its influence in that case instead of exhausting, as it may do in foreign hands, would be felt advantageously on agriculture and every other branch of industry. Equally important is it to provide at home a market for our raw materials, as by extending the competition it will enhance the price and protect the cultivator against the casualties incident to foreign markets.

United States Presidents’ Inaugural Speeches by United States. Presidents.


Fantasy Farming

I find articles like this one fascinating because I rather enjoy mulling over the possibility of owning my own self-sufficient farm – and all of the decisions that go along with that lifestyle.

The first, and most important, challenge in starting up a farm of any kind is deciding what will be raised or grown on the land. My family owned and operated an apple orchard. This is a far cry from cattle (of any kind) but an easy jump to Maple or fruit trees (of any kind), or even crop-based farming.

Yet, running a farm and running a self-sufficient farm are two very different things; which brings me back to this article: John Seymour was a well known and well-respected expert in self-sufficient agriculture. In these quotes, pulled from his 1976 book The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It, he presents a nice illustration of many key items to be considered when establishing a self-sufficient homestead.


“Cow or no cow? The pros and cons are many and various for a self-sufficient homestead.”

“If your garden gets plenty of cow manure, your soil fertility will continuously increase, along with your yields.”

“But a serious counter-consideration is that you will have to take on the responsibility of milking a cow…Milking a cow doesn’t take very long — perhaps eight minutes — and it’s very pleasant if you know how to do it and if she is a quiet, docile cow — but you will have to do it.”

“Bear in mind that practically any garden crop that you grew for yourself would be good for the animals too, so any surplus crops would go to them. You would not need a compost pile — your animals could be your compost pile.”

Start a 1-Acre, Self-Sufficient Homestead, Mother Earth News, by John Seymour