Romantic Stupidity


“Damn. Up till that moment, the romantic part of me still had been hoping I was wrong. Your romantic parts can be really dumb.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco

Trail Magic


There is a phenomenon called Trail Magic, known and spoken of with reverence by everyone who hikes the trail, which holds that often when things look darkest some little piece of serendipity comes along to put you back on a heavenly plane.

A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail (Official Guides to the Appalachian Trail) by Bill Bryson

Santa and Clocks


During the final 12 days before Christmas, I am posting quotes from Santa’s letters – courtesy of JRR Tolkien. It’s a wonderful book and a grand idea. I wish I’d thought of it. 🙂

“It is a good thing clocks don’t tell the same time all over the world or I should never get round, although when my magic is strongest—at Christmas—I can do about a thousand stockings a minute, if I have it all planned out beforehand.”

Letters From Father Christmas by J.R.R. Tolkien

Life Is Knowing Yourself


“Every decision is yours to make. The trick is knowing who you are. Are you the kind of person who’d do this, the kind of person who’d do that, or the kind of person who’d do the thing the first two people would think was nuts?…Life can be a bitch, they say, but she’s beautiful, too. Love the beauty without limit, and the bitchy you might learn to love…even if you never understand it.”

The White Magic Five & Dime by Steve Hockensmith, Lisa Falco

Letter to a Fairy


“If you have an old tree in your garden with a knothole or hollow in it, you are very lucky! This is a fairy mailbox and, for hundreds of years, people have used these to communicate wishes to the fairies. On a new moon, write a short letter with your wish on a small piece of paper. Place a flower in it and put it in the hollow. By the full moon, they should give you an answer!.”

The Magical Garden: Spells, Charms, and Lore for Magical Gardens and the Curious Gardeners Who Tend Them by Sophia Sargent

School For Adults


A woman of her age and experience could hardly expect to be re-schooled by anyone except herself. But if she had a true community such schooling would be the service her people provided.”

Fire Logic (Elemental Logic) by Laurie J. Marks


Bitterly Conquered


Mabin Paladin, the hero of the people, had chosen another way, the shortsighted way of the bitterly conquered, the vengeance by which the wronged becomes the wrongdoer and the whole world gives way to war.”

Fire Logic (Elemental Logic) by Laurie J. Marks


Magic Sunflowers


“Growing sunflowers in your garden, especially in the front of your home, is said to bring all sorts of good luck. They dispel pests and negative energies as well. Marigolds do much the same, but to a lesser degree. If you cut down a sunflower at sunset at the winter solstice, and then make a wish, it is supposed to come true before the next sunset!”

The Magical Garden: Spells, Charms, and Lore for Magical Gardens and the Curious Gardeners Who Tend Them by Sophia Sargent

Discipline of Hope


Perhaps desire will never be fulfilled. But to live is only worth the effort if you live in hope. And living in hope is a discipline, a practice that can be learned.”

Fire Logic (Elemental Logic) by Laurie J. Marks


Magic Ferns


“If you stand silently at midnight surrounded by ferns and you can hear no sound, then Puck, the most feral fairy, will appear to you and give you wealth—this is called “watching the fern” and is an ancient custom.”

The Magical Garden: Spells, Charms, and Lore for Magical Gardens and the Curious Gardeners Who Tend Them by Sophia Sargent